The Homeowner's Handy Guide: Putting an End to Your Building Contract

May 25, 2023

The process of terminating a building contract can often feel like trying to find your way through a complex maze. The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC), with its easy-to-understand "How to terminate a building contract" guide, offers some vital pointers. The advice is clear - solicitors are your best navigators through this maze due to the potentially risky and legally intricate nature of terminating a contract.

Why Is This Serious?

Deciding to pull the plug on a building contract isn't a move to be taken lightly, or one to be made without some good advice.

Risks? Yes, They Exist

The QBCC’s Queensland Home Warranty Scheme is like a friend in need. It can offer a helping hand if you find yourself dealing with an unfinished residential project or poor quality work. However, it's important to remember that this assistance is only available if you terminate the contract correctly and lawfully.

Getting legal advice can be your compass in the risky decision-making process. If you try to end the contract without any legal grounds, it could come back to haunt you with potential claims for damages and legal costs.

The Power of Paperwork

Having a solicitor on board helps ensure all your paperwork is in order. Your solicitor can prepare the necessary notices in line with the contract requirements and laws. If these notices aren't presented correctly or not presented at all:

•          The QBCC might reject your termination as invalid, denying you the help you need to finish your building work.

•          A court might decide your termination is invalid, and this could leave you footing the bill for damages and legal costs.

Why You Need Evidence

Valid grounds for ending a contract won't do you any good unless you can prove they exist. This is where a professional's experience in collecting and presenting relevant information to the QBCC and Courts can be invaluable.

The QBCC may invite your building contractor to respond to your claim of a valid termination. The contractor can also question the QBCC’s decision. In these situations, having an experienced hand to gather and present your side of the story can make all the difference.

In summary, when navigating the tricky path of terminating a building contract, professional help is not just a luxury, it's a necessity. Arm yourself with the right advice, follow the legal protocol, and make sure your paperwork is in order. That way, you're more likely to have a successful journey through the maze of contract termination.

Please contact us at (07) 3160 0000 or email us at to discuss how we can assist.

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